Lomatium macrocarpum, also known as Big-seeded lomatium, has 23000 seeds per pound. You can spot bigseed lomatium's irregularly-shaped umbrellas of yellow to cream-colored flowers atop gray-green herbage and fern-like leaves throughout Oregon. Readily growing in open gravelly sites and rocky slopes, this low-growing perennial is well suited for a sunny or partly shaded rock garden. This species also is a potential food source for butterflies and their larvae. Sow the big--up to 20mm long--seeds of this native wildflower in dry soil with good drainage in the fall to cold stratify over winter. Patience is needed, though, as Lomatium species generally take a few years to reach flowering size. Seed treatment reccommendations: 60 days cold-moist stratification More Info: https://westernforbs.org/species/bigseed-biscuitroot-lomatium-macrocarpum/
Lomatium macrocarpum 2024 Rogue River Preserve (Sold by the ounce)
SKU: 2050
Only 2 left in stock
- 2.45